David Talbot Buxomly Simkin James III

David Talbot Buxomly Simkin James III

David joins up after our Musical Director Mr. Von Genchler saw him conduct the Wigan Ladies Jewish Nose Flute Orchestra at the marvelous Albert Hall Bolton. David is the youngest of 32 children and at the age of 6 months was put to work in the shipyards. At the age of 9 his father discovered that David had a musical talent. By age 10 this had been beaten out of him. Against his family's wishes David left the shipyards and moved to Birkenhead to study the art of Nose Flute playing under the maestro Jebadiah Cruickshank. In 1958 he became principal nose flute with the Vienna Nasal Spray Ensemble. A position he held until taking on the conductorship of the Wigan Ladies Jewish Nose Flute Orchestra.